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I am a postdoc at Colorado State University working with Dr. Carrie Havrilla in the Dryland Ecology and Management lab. I completed my PhD in Dr. Nathan Kraft’s plant community ecology lab at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2023. I am generally interested in the effects of climate change on the composition and structure of plant communities. For my dissertation I studied how changes in water availability affect competition and coexistence in an annual grassland in Southern California. My current research focuses on climate adaptive trait based approaches to dryland restoration.

I grew up in Washington DC and then moved to Minnesota for my undergraduate education at Carleton College. I spent a few years after college working for the Minnesota Conservation Corps and as a field technician on various research projects including studies on herbivory in a tallgrass prairie and the translocation of desert tortoises. In my free time I enjoy hiking, biking, watching NBA basketball, weaving, and hanging out with my dog Bambam.

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